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Losing it and Winning - Week 9

Welcome back for another week of my Biggest Loser Challenge!

If you are new to this series, I wrote a little bit about my 12 week challenge in this post.  Here are the recaps for week 1week 2week 3week 4week 5week 6week 7 and week 8.

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Here are my measurements as of  Sunday, July 6, 2014:

Weight:  148.1 lbs
Bust:       38" 
Waist:     31 1/2" 
Butt:       37.5"

I lost 2lbs this week!!  The measurements were exactly the same as last week.

Here is my original starting weight and the measurements as of Sunday, May 4, 2014:

Weight:  172.3 lbs
Bust: 41 1/2"
Waist: 39 1/4"
Butt:  40"

I ran alot this week. And I mean alot. I did alot of sprinting on the treadmill and incline running and sprinting. I did outside running, with a group from my gym. I ran on my own. I JUST RAN. I also did 4 HIIT classes and few other personal workouts.  So I was really surprised that I didn't lose more than I did. I think I should just face the facts, that my body does not really like to lose more than 2-3 pounds at a time. I guess, that's healthy right? The good news is that my 2 little pounds puts at 14.05% which is currently first place in the challenge.  The next person is at 13.71% and she has her weigh-in on Thursday. So until Thursday, I am in first place. ;)


This week, my hip that I injured a few weeks ago, was not an issue and my hamstrings are slowly feeling better.  I'm really trying to focus on stretching really well after each work out and also through out my day.

I managed to get 4 HIIT (Hight Intensity Interval Training) classes in this week, and a whole lot of running. I'm all about the running right now. Thank goodness for nice weather.


The one thing I am struggling with right now, is seeing my new body for what it is instead of what it used to be. It's difficult to explain, but when I picture myself in my head I don't picture the leaner body that I have, but I still see the bigger girl I used to me.  Sometimes I look in the mirror and I don't recognize the face staring back at me. Maybe it will take some time.  I was talking to someone else who recently lost 80lbs and she understood exactly what I was talking about.  I used to have a hard time accepting the bigger girl I had become the past 14 years and now I have a hard time believing that I am the smaller girl I see in the mirror.  

Although my body has toned up and lost so many inches everywhere, sometimes when I'm feeling 'blech' I look down and see the last remain rolls on my arms, stomach and legs and start feeling yucky about myself.  I have work on this and I try to pick out the things I like about myself.

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I only have three weeks left in this competition, and I am really ready for it to be over.  

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